by teststage_4kfoyk | Oct 12, 2015 | Blog
Clients frequently ask me what my diet looks like. I think it’s their way of sizing me up and making sure I practice what I preach. For the same reasons I don’t want a doctor that smokes, my clients don’t want a dietitian who binges on sugar and...
by teststage_4kfoyk | Feb 17, 2015 | Blog, Restaurant Review
When working with clients, one of the hardest things for people is not the WHAT but the HOW. Most of us know that eating more fruits and vegetables is good. We understand that healthy fats are important and that whole grains should be selected over refined grains. The...
by teststage_4kfoyk | Jan 21, 2015 | Blog, Nutrition, Uncategorized
The white potato. A nutritious staple for some, a seemingly horrible dietary decision for others. So which is it? Potatoes have been given quite the slap on the hand over the past few decades resulting in a significant decrease in consumption in the US. The favorable...
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