Do you live out your health journey in the “Be-Do-Have” model or the “Have-Do-Be” model?

This is important for the mindful and intuitive eating journey so please let me explain the difference…


The Be-Do-Have model of living is a way of approaching life circumstances by thinking about who we would BE if we already had the thing (body, health, etc.) and then begin to take actions from that space of ALREADY being. Those actions, inspired by your future self, lead to you having or getting what you desire…

So the woman who is interested in healing their gut or conquering their emotional eating patterns will FIRST embody the end result of their desire and embody that. She will work to visualize or actually FEEL what it is to have already accomplished their goal (whatever that may be).

From this place, she takes action steps that align with that future version of herself. Perhaps that’s eating differently or practicing the art of coping with emotions in a different way. Perhaps it’s daily acts of self-care or setting boundaries… When she does this, she begins to HAVE what she so desires, but it starts with the end in mind.

Am I making sense?


The Have-Do-Be model of living is approaching life circumstances in the opposite way. This woman feels like she must have the thing (the body, the health, the healing) before she can take the actions or BE a certain way in life (more confidence, feel self-worth, etc.).

I commonly hear this show up as…

“I can’t wear the outfit or attend this social event UNTIL I have the body I desire” This is the most common way women live in their bodies… In this space of longing for WHEN…

This woman decides that she won’t be happy or healthy UNTIL she loses weight or gets healthy. She has to HAVE the thing before she can become the person she desires to be.

Does this resonate?

Unfortunately, the Have-Do-Be model doesn’t work for us in the long term. It’s rooted in resistance and working against the body and its innate wisdom. It also leads to anxiety, fear, and worry that becomes our programming overtime…

We become what we put our attention on and if we put our attention on the need to HAVE something before we BECOME it, we get stuck in a vicious cycle… Am I right?

Let’s take a moment to embody the end result FIRST and start taking action from that space… The miracles that unfold from here will take your breath away.


Who would you be? What would you do? and How would you FEEL if you already had ________________?

Take a minute to write it down in the comments below to make it more tangible and real! ?

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