Make Ahead Green Smoothies!

Eating our greens is something we all need to do a better job of, but it’s not always so easy! We have busy schedules and those green leafies quickly turn to brown wilties after too much time in the fridge. We start with good intentions and find ourselves...
New Year, New Attitude

New Year, New Attitude

“I’m never eating carbs again…” “Tomorrow, I start running 3 miles a day…” “2016 is the year I start eating green vegetables every day!…” The promises we make to ourselves in the wee hours of the New Year are...
The Journey to “Food Realization”

The Journey to “Food Realization”

I have spent the past week practicing yoga in Thailand at an amazing place called Agama on the island of Koh Phangan. The experience has been so tranquil and just what I needed to refocus my yoga practice and take time out for my own self development. I tend to...

Can Frozen Dinners Be Healthy?

In my early 20’s, when I was single, working full-time and always on the go, I admittedly used frozen dinners regularly to help me manage my budget and time. They were simple, easy, and offered me variety without going to the store, shopping and spending a ton...