Loving your body is not always easy, is it?

Let’s face it,

Loving your body completely is not always easy…

In fact, in some ways, it’s a life long practice.

Let me illustrate… ????‍♀️

A couple of weeks ago, my dear friend, Sara, came to visit me and we snapped a picture! It’s cute, huh? My daughter Maya decided we needed to eat cake in the pool, with pillows, inside the house.

The first place my eyes went in this picture was my thighs and my first thought was “gross, look at that weird flesh under my leg”. Yup, you heard me… those thoughts came from a person PREACHING body love and self-acceptance to her clients.

You see, I still have ugly feelings surface about my body. I’m human after all.

Maybe you do too?

The difference between now and earlier in my journey is the following…

Before my mindfulness journey…

  • I dwelled on this negative thought…
  • I let it change my enjoyment of that delicious cake
  • I started blaming myself for my “thigh” issues and started thinking about all the ways I could change those thighs through excessive exercise or restriction.
  • Allowed that thought to leak over into other areas of my body that I am less confident with.
  • Assumed others saw my body the same way I did…


  • I still get some negative thoughts but I see them for what they are… Stories and beliefs which can be changed and are probably not true.
  • I use awareness to pin down the thought before I let it take over my being and influence my next action.
  • I practice gratitude… In this moment I decided to thank my thighs for holding up my little girl and being so strong. I naturally have strong legs and they have allowed me to do amazing things in this world.
  • I enjoyed my cake, because it was freaking delicious.

So, if you’re feeling like the battle with your body will never be over… please know… that regardless of what changes with your body over time, you can and DO have the power to use awareness and curiosity to improve your thought patterns and get more out of life.

You do have the power to lean into those thoughts, decide if they need to be true for you, and change them…

And, guess what… It’s a practice and you don’t always have to get it right.

Sending you body love and good vibes today…

And please, let me know if any of this resonates with you, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

If it does, you can also sign up to let me help you map out a path to success for your personal journey for only $1! Check out the details here >>> Get a Food Freedom Blueprint made just for you!

This deal won’t be availble forever… I hope you’re able to take advantage of this 45-60 minute session before it’s gone!

Sending you all the good vibes for a great week!



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